Happy New Year to everyone! I hope you all have a wonderful 2013, and better yet that some flats fishing Islamorada is in your plans for the upcoming year! January is often a little slower months ‘in the skinny.’ As water temperatures have dropped… bonefish, permit, redfish, snook, tarpon – all the islamorada sight fishing targets will be found in deeper water. Middle of the day sometimes can still be a good bet if the water isn’t too cold as this will be the warmest part to try to find them feeding with tails up! Backcountry flats fishing can be a little better as redfish, snook, and trout are much more tolerant of the cold than bonefish, permit, and tarpon. Often you can still pole runoffs and such and blind cast to catch them. Get out on the water for some january flats fishing in Islamorada! Remember it’s still much fun to catch these species in different fashions, and often times it can be much more effective.
Capt. Rick Stanczyk