February flats fishing islamorada can be a good time to target a variety of species here in the Florida Keys. Water temperatures can fluctuate so being ‘in the skinny’ may not always be the best option. However one nice thing especially in the backcountry everglades fishing is there are deeper areas to pole where you can often find redfish, snook, tarpon, trout, and other species. When the water temperatures cool they often go deeper as the air temperature drops the water temperatures especially in the shallows where there is much less moving water. During mid day this may change and that can be the time to look in the usual places. Same is true with the local islamorada flats. Now don’t forget there are also plenty of other fishing options in the florida keys when it is really cold. We often take our anglers around islands and in the creeks and canals that go inside the mainland everglades. What’s nice here is that you can get out of the wind and the weather, and still catch some great fighting fish. These species include redfish, black drum, snook, sheepshead, trout, and more… even occasionally tarpon and big sharks can be in there trying to find the warm water run-off. You can check out a monster black drum caught this past february fishing in some of these deeper water creeks by a young man! February florida keys flats fishing is something you just have to kind of play by ear, if you book a trip with us we will always steer you in the right direction – we don’t want to send you out there to have a bad experience anymore than you want to.
Capt. Rick Stanczyk